Sunday, November 30, 2008

wall climbing

my first saturday here was spent sleeping and wall climbing (no, i wasnt sleep climbing :P). due to jetlag and maybe lack of quality sleep, i slept til 1:45pm. i wouldnt have gotten out of bed if not for my friend's phone call and being reminded that banks close at 2pm on saturdays. i needed to get some cash over-the-counter as my ATM card hasnt been delivered yet. lucky me, the bank is just right across the street and will take me about 3 minutes to get there. i made it on time and was able to get my cash.

a climbing gym called stoneworks - about 15 mins away from my place. we went there coz my co-worker's friend chose that venue to gather-up his friends and introduce to them his newborn son (that's why you see a baby stroller there). they personally know the owner of the place, so they were allowed to bring in food and some drinks.

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